Sunday, September 6, 2009

My weight loss journey

I haven't gotten to post about the chubba chubba gone gone train ride so I thought I would give an update! Since my beautiful family photos were done I have lost another 9 pounds! That brings me down to only 23 pounds to go before having lost all 54 pounds of baby weight gained. So exciting! I have a weight loss goal that I broke into 3 parts. The 1st part is all the baby weight from Asher lost. The second is all the weight I held onto since I got pregnant with Hannah lost (10 pounds). And third, the weight I gained after I was married (20 pounds). I want to do this by next December so that we can get pregnant again. LOL We always wanted 4 kiddos and I am not getting any younger people. Let me remind all those who may think I'm nuts that I am 31 and a half now. I would like a life after my children grow up and not a nursing home so it's chop chop time. LOL

Speaking of kiddos, Asher was blessed today and it was beautiful. I'll post some pics of him after I download some onto this lovely new computer. Chow.


Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations. You sound like you are doing so well. You don't need to defend your desire to be a mother, a lot more people agree with you than you think. Got your message on my blog, glad to know it was you and not a couple of guys that I don't even know. My first thought was, should I make my blog private??? But then I realized that it was probably you, so I had to check.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the weight loss. keep up the hardwork.

