Well, I haven't posted on our Dr. appoinment last Thursday so I thought I would update everyone. As you know I was measuring 2 months larger than I was in pregnancy and that could mean polyhydramnios or extra fluid. This can cause several issues as well as be caused by several issues. Some causes are heart problems, brain abnormalities, or digestive issues. I thought oh no, not digestive issues again! If there ended up being extra fluid there is a greater risk to mom and baby during birth. Mom can hemmorage due to the uterus contracting to quickly from large to small and baby has a higher risk of death, cord prolapse, etc. I didn't know how much anxiety I had until we went, Josh and I, last Thursday for our ultrasound. My weight was great...2 lb gain..and no more growth. The ultrasound showed no extra fluid! Also the baby measured just fine at 4lbs. 1oz. for 32 weeks. That's great. He is measuring like Hannah. :) His heart looked great and his brain looked great too. No problems and no explanations for the growth which is fine by me and the Dr. too. He is so cute! He has hair which we could see. It was fun and after we were done I couldn't believe how light I felt. I then realized how much was pent up in me. I was afraid of all kinds of senarios and now I can just wait till he comes and be happy. Which is what I am doing! Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing us!!